Although some might say exploration & experimentation has changed with the advent of surface mount technology, and as we are becoming all to aware the toxic throwaway short shelf life manufacturing, necessity is the mother of all invention. Tinkering has never been better, footling & fettling are fundamental to our ham hobby. Bodging & fixing even if it includes new tools as with 3D printing and laser cutting it is in our hobby's nature to scale the heights of sublime to rediculous. I might add that when you know the rules that is exactly when they get bent, for educational purposes of course.
I end this preamble hoping to catch you, my fellow traveller, down the bands & into the log book.
73 Jez M0RNX
CB27/81 and my paper Post Office licence were the gateway to the airwaves. It says much about the hobby that it is still at the forefront of technical innovation,experimenting and learning embraced by hams worldwide. The S.A.R & Safety has included HF to Ghz
I like most hams at home have constraints for HF with 14 mhz as long haul from my third gen cobweb, Mosley mini beam and hf in the vehicle now using a screwdriver, I'll continue to work on the qth due to the inner suburban location I have not overly worried about SSB above 30 mhz, but do use FM for analogue and digital repeater use. The 4 * 4 is somewhat loaded and I enjoy the contacts whilst rolling across country using all the modes I can.
I have had an absolutely engaging time as a volunteer working at Bletchley Park, RSGB National Radio Centre, with countless QSO's a day on many different bands & modes, it can be an infectious environment, no pun intended, pressing the PTT and calling CQ, the original invitation to the world to respond.
If you are an RSGB member, just go to the main website and download a voucher, take your licence if you wish to operate otherwise pop in for a chinwag with the volunteers anyway.
If you haven't visited the park, then you should. A day will not do this historic site justice.